Sunday, August 24, 2008

only you

only you

i choose among the entire world
is it fair of you

letting me be unhappy
my heart is a pen in your hand
it is all up to you to write me happy or sad
i see only what you reveal and live as you say
all my feelings have the color you desire to paint
from the beginningt o the end no one but you
please make my future better than the past
when you hide

i change to a Godless person
and when you appear i find my faith
don’t expect to find any more in me than what you give
don’t search for hidden pockets

because i ’ve shown you that all i have is all you gave.

translated by Nader Khalili

Friday, August 22, 2008


Passion makes the old medicine new:
Passion lops off the bough of weariness.
Passion is the elixir that renews:
how can there be weariness
when passion is present?
Oh, don't sigh heavily from fatigue:
seek passion, seek passion, seek passion!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Choosing sweetness or vinegar

i don’t need a companion who is nasty sad and sour
the one who is like a grave dark depressing and bitter
a sweetheart is a mirror a friend a delicious cake

it isn’t worth spending an hour with anyone else
a companion who is in love only with the self

has five distinct characters
stone hearted

unsure of every step

lazy and disinterested

keeping a poisonous face
the more this companion waits around

the more bitter everything will get just like a vinegar

getting more sour with time
enough is said about sour and bitter faces

a heart filled with desire for sweetness and tender souls

must not waste itself with unsavory matters